Area 8B
8B is the upper half of this survey
The geophysics shows several pockets of possible archaeology which appear to stand alone. In light of the results of the 2018 excavation and the fact that the north-south ditch alignment can be dated to 12th to 14th century and also located on the edge of this area is a known kiln site this has been labelled as the industrial area of the abbey. The resistivity results indicate many east-west responses along the eastern side of the area and seemingly extending past the eastern fence line of Area 8b. Also, on the same alignment as the pond (on the north edge) there appears to be a possible continuation to the south of the pond, shown by parallel features in part joined together by a semi-circular feature. The Lidar of the site, divided up in 1 metre layers by Richard Cushing for the project, shows the land gradually dropping away to the northeast of this area and it is possible that the pond is a remnant of a waterway to enable transportation of materials to site and transportation of goods produced from site.