Map of the Site

Ramsey lies on March gravels on what was effectively an island surrounded by Bury Fen to the south and Stocking Fen to the north.

Visitors approached it, as the chroniclers note, by a causeway on one side. The line of the streets has changed little since originally laid out.
The monks built the abbey and its precinct on a very slight rise, the abbey lying at between 5m and 6m OD and the town between 4m and 5m OD.
Most of the extensive fenland in the parish is near to sea level.

This map of the abbey site has the geophysics survey results overlain

Ordnance survey 1:1250 mapping with resistivity high and low data, grey scale image removed

The naming convention for the various pieces of the Abbey College portion of the site is somewhat arbitrary. The links below reference the names (written in yellow) from the above map

Abbey Green
The area outside the current boundary wall, between the gatehouse and the church
Church Green
The Green on the opposite side of the road to Thomas Becket Church, by the Duck Pond
The northern most grassed area of the school playing fields
The grassed area to the north of the main school building
The area around the main house
Boundary Wall
The boundary wall between the Church cemetery and Area 4
The area in front of the main school building
The school playing fields
The southern end of the school playing fields
The Castle Mound ( Ice House) also referred to as Booths Hill