

Æthelstan Mannesunu, who died in 986, gave Clapham to his wife in dower with reversion to Ramsey Abbey. It seems probable that Æthelwine Sweart, who before his death in 998 transferred Clapham to the abbey, was the representative of Æthelstan. In 1049 a certain Ælfric, who claimed to be the rightful heir of Æthelwine, declared the bequest to be invalid, as it had not been made with the licence of the king and consent of the heirs, but by means of judicious bribery.

Clapham was confirmed to the abbey by Edward the Confessor, and again, in 1078, by William the Conqueror. Ramsey Abbey granted the manor to a thegn called Brictric, from whom it passed to Robert d’Oilli, and from him to Miles Crispin, who held it at the time of the Domesday Survey. The Abbot and monks of Ramsey claimed the manor from Miles on the ground that Brictric only held the manor for life. Their claim was, however, ineffectual, and the valuable manor, assessed in the Survey at 5 hides paying geld and 10 hides ‘inland’-in all valued at £24 – remained parcel of Miles’ fief. (Ref 28)