Countess Ethelgifu
In this document is recorded how, for the salvation of her soul, Countess Ethelgifu gave to Ramsey church Stowe and certain other gifts in gold and silver as we found written in English.
I, Countess Ethelgifu, give and Grant to Ramsey church for the honour of God and St Benedict and for the everlasting succour of my soul my land at Stowe and Bourne so to possess fully and peaceably just as I myself always possessed it freely and peaceably, and also the new mill: and one mark of gold, of which a half may be devoted to the requirements of the monastery; from the other half provisions for the brothers may be purchased, and two silver goblets of 12 marks according to the weight of the London hustings for serving the brothers in the refectory, so that when drink is provided in them to the brothers at meals my memory will be impressed upon their hearts more strongly. Most beloved brothers, be mindful of me to him whose grace I crave. Moreover, may God be gracious towards you, and I myself shall be a loyal sister to you as long as my life shall last. (Ref 9)