MS M.302 fol.5v
In the four compartments we see:
1) Virgin Mary: Miracle, Drunken Monk – Virgin Mary, pearled nimbus, crowned, veiled, holds staff in right hand around shoulders of tonsured monk raising hands. Her left hand holds garment grasped by charging goat, followed by dog and lion (only their foreparts visible).
2) Virgin Mary: Miracle, Charitable Almsman? – Virgin Mary, pearled nimbus, crowned, veiled, raises right hand and places left hand on draped head of man, eyes closed, reclining on draped bed on which is benedictine habit.
3) Nicholas of Myra: Three Youths rescued from Barrel, and Nicholas of Myra: aiding Dowerless Maidens – Nicholas of Myra, wearing bishop’s miter and vestments, stands behind three youths in barrel, raising hands. He extends purse to kneeling one of three veiled maidens.
4) Edith of Wilton: Miracle of Incorruptible Finger – Denis of Paris, wearing bishop’s miter and vestments, raising right hand in blessing, holding mitered head in left hand, stands beneath arch representing church.
To right, Dunstan of Canterbury, wearing bishop’s vestments and crowned miter, stands behind draped altar on which are bleeding finger of Edith and six wafers. He extends hands toward four communicants, one wearing cap, kneeling with hands raised before the altar.
Scenes with patterned backgrounds and within architectural frames, with exception of last scene.