Ramsey, in the Countye of Huntyngdon.
(From a Book of Pensions in the Augmentation Office)
Below are set out the Pensions that were awarded to the Abbot and Monks of Ramsey Abbey when the Abbey was closed. (Ref 7)
Herafter ensuyth the names of the late abbott and monks there, wyth theyr pencons assignyd by the kyngs comyssyons to be payd vnto theym yerly duryng theyr lyves, at ij. termes of the yere; that ys to saye, at the feasts of th’Anuncyacon of or. Lady and seynt Michell th’arcangell, by evyn porcons. The fyrst payment therof to begyii at the feast of th’Anuncyacon of or. Lady next ensuyng the date herof. Whiche late monastery was surrendred to the kyngs use the xxijth. day of November in the xxxjth. yere of the raygne of 0r• soueygne lords kyng Henry the viij
JOHN LAWRENCE late abbot there, over and besyds the howse of Bodsey with thapprtenncs, and one hundred loode woode to be taken yerly out of the woods
of Bottnall Ruckyse Grove and Warbys Woode by equal porcons yerly duryng his lyffe, and allso one marke of swans wyth the profytts therof, and one boote gate callyd the Subcellerers Bote Gate, w~. the hy]ke and ptenncs belongyng to the same, duryng his seyd lyffe . . .cclxvilk xiiis.iiiid. £266. 13s. 4d
JOHN DRYVER at Ramesey late pryor there …….Xxii, ( £22
JOHN PAXYE at Ryngsted ………………………………vjjl1
ROBERT HUCHYN late pryor of Seynt Ives, over and besyds the chappell and chamber stondyng upon the brygge at Seynt Ives, duryng his lyffe ……. xij”. £12
JOHN AVYSON at Downhm late subcellerer ……………………viijii. £10
JOHN NYCCOLS an old man …………………………………………viijli. £10
LAWRENCE BARDNEY beyng aged …………………………….. viij~. £8
WYLLM SILKE at Sawtrey ……………………………………………..vijli. £9
WYLLM ROGERS at Halywell ……………………………………….viijli. £10
WYLLM ALWYN late chunter…………………………………………….ix1i.
STEPHYN BAWDWYN at Bannett……………………………………vij1i £9
THOMAS BARER high cellerer………………………………………. xli. £12
WYLLM COOKE at Bardwell late sexten…………………………. vijlì. £9
THOMAS POWLE at Brayntre………………………………………… vjli. £8
JOHN PAKYE late treasaurer………………………………………….. vjlt. xiijs. iiijd. £8.13s.4d
JOHN HODYNGSELLS at Lylford bachelar of lawe…………… ix1i
JOHN FFAUNT bacheler of dyvyte…………………………………….x1i
JOHN PAWMER at llalywell subpryo……………………………….vj1i,xiijs,iiijd
THOMAS ANDREWE beyng a syckly person……………………..vij1i,vjs,viijd
WYLLM at Swasey………………………………………………………… v1i,vjs,viijd
JOHN BRYGGEMAN at Burwell leyng sycke of the pawsey.. vj1i
ROBERT HARRYS at Standground…………………………………… v1i,vjs,viijd
RICHARD HAWLYNG scoler……………………………………………vj1i,xiijs,iiijd
HUGH PHELYPE.……………………………………………………………. vj1i
WYLLM IRLOND at Grytby student……………………………………. vj1i,xiijs,iiijd
THOMS FfYLD at Hemyngford…………………………………………… v1i
JOHN PYCARD……………………………………………………………….. v1i
JOHN SMYTH at Tysenshe ………………………………………………….v1i
JOHN WHYTWELL at Vyllyngborough………………………………… v1i,vjs,viijd
GEORGE MARSHALL at London…………………………………………v1i