Stiftsbibl. cod. XXV/2, 19, fol.17v

This scene, below the prayer Suscipere dignare, also pertains to Ramsey Abbey.
The prayer translated means,
All-powerful Lord God, deem worthy of acceptance these consecrated psalms which I, unworthy sinner, long to sing in honor of thy name and that of the blessed ever Virgin Mary and of all saints, for me miserable unfortunate, and also for those related to me, and for my friends, and for others who put their trust in me, and also for the faithful, both alive and dead. Grant to all, Lord Jesus Christ, that these psalms may lead to the welfare and the healing of the soul and also to the practice of true penitence, and besides, that they make us reach eternal life happily
At the portals of a church stands an abbot behind an altar. He raises his hand in acknowledgement of the sealed donations of Duke Ailwyn, two kings, a bishop, and other noblemen. Ailwyn as the chief benefactor of Ramsey, stands alone to the right of the abbot, his hand at his throat in a gesture of pride and his feet resting on the bull and the ram. Other animals – a stag and a rabbit – lie about, possibly an allusion to the resting animals from whom the bull would arise to show Ailwyn the site where he was to build the altar. This miniature of course represents the benefactors of Ramsey, and is their memorial, as the inscription below, Benefactorum anime nostrorum requiescant in pace, says. (Ref 21)