Toseland Hundred
Manor in YELLING (Ghellinge)
5 hides taxable. Land for 7 ploughs. Now in lordship 2 ploughs.
10 villagers and 2 smallholders have 3 ploughs.
Meadow, 5 acres.
Value before 1066 and now £4.
Swein holds from the Abbot.
Manor in HEMINGFORD (ABBOTS) (Emingeforde)
18 hides taxable. Land for 16 ploughs. Now in lordship 2 ploughs;
26 villagers and 5 smallholders with 8 ploughs.
A church and a priest.
1 mill, 10s 8d; meadow, 80 acres.
Value before 1066 £11; now £10.
There Godric also had 1 hide taxable. He held from the Abbot.
Land for 1 plough. Now Ralph son of Odmund has it, but the men of the Hundred do not know through whom.
Value before 1066, 10s; now 3s.
In the other HEMINGFORD (GREY) are 5 hides taxable. Land for 5 ploughs. Jurisdiction in Hemingford. Now Aubrey de Vere has it from the Abbot and a man-at-arms has 2 hides of this land under him. In lordship 1 plough;
8 villagers with 3 ploughs.
Meadow, 20 acres.
Value before 1066 and now 60s.
The Abbot of Ramsey had
Manor in OFFORD (Vpeforde)
4 hides taxable. Of these 1 hide was inland and in addition thereto there were 2 ploughs in lordship. Land for 4 ploughs. Now in lordship 2 ploughs;
4 villagers and 2 smallholders with 1 plough.
Meadow, 16 acres; woodland pasture, 16 acres.
Value before 1066 and now £4.
Manor in DILLINGTON (Dellinctvne)
6 hides taxable. Land for 12 ploughs. Now in lordship 2 ploughs;
16 villagers who have 10 ploughs.
Meadow, 8 acres; woodland pasture 1 league and 2 furlongs long and 1 league wide.
Value before 1066 £6; now £4.